Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Authors Are Readers Too, Pt 2

So a little over three years ago, I had a WTH moment while participating in a book launch party on social media.  (To see the post, go here)  I'm good friends with this person, so I'm not going to mention any names.  But apparently, I've done something else to piss her off.

She posted on one of her pages about letting a finished WIP 'simmer' before diving into edits, and having finished one myself, I commented that I was doing the same thing, but could feel that 'tickle' about adding additional info and where to write it in, and the fact that I LOVE that feeling of writing non-stop for six days, as the story poured from my fingertips.

Guess what?  Up pops a PM:  "This page is for readers, not authors to gush about their own work."

So, being the nice person I am, I wrote back, "Oops..."

I deleted the comment, then PM'd back that I'd done so.

Any further comments or PMs?  Nada.

IMHO, it would have been nice if she'd acknowledged my mistake and the fact I corrected it.

But that's just me.

After all, we only see each other once a year....and  I have no idea what she says about me behind MY back!

So, forgive and move on.....

She DID PM me back, with the following:

"Thank you. I"m sorry to be like that, but it's been a whole lotta work putting this group together."

Which brings me to my next point: If you're going to create several pages (I'm counting at least 3, in addition to her regular page), and having trouble engaging people, then don't b**ch when someone comments, unless it's deroggatory or extremely inappropriate! I wasn't complaining; I was celebrating!

But to each his own....

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