Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Indy 500, PC Style.....

I'll admit it; we had some fun at the beginning of the race.

Let me back up a moment.  Ever since Trump was elected, there have been allegations of his being in bed with Russia.  In fact, the 'investigation' is still going, and has led to the resignation of top cabinet members.

Now it's even spread to his son-in-law.

So the VP, Mike Pence, was at the race.  There was a Russian race car driver.  My warped sense of humor kicked in.

"So if the Russian wins, will the Liberals say there is now PROOF the Russians are in cahoots with Washington, and rigged the Indy 500 while the VP looked on?"

Takuma Sato (Japan) goes on to win the 101st running.

"Oh ho, does this now mean JAPAN is in cahoots with Washington?"

Turns out I wasn't far off the mark.

Some racist idiot took issue that the first Japanese driver did his victory lap while waving his Japanese flag on Memorial weekend, wondering if a Muslim had won, and waved his Syrian flag, would we still have applauded?

Umm....yes, and other commenters jumped on him for that remark.

1)  Japan is now our ALLY and what happened over 75 years ago is in the past.  If everyone held a grudge, would ANYONE get along?

2) If a Syrian driver had participated and won, then yes.....he would be allowed to wave his flag.  But come on....seriously.....it wouldn't be Syria.  The closest thing we had to a Middle Eastern country driver was Ed Jones, from Dubai...and he finished 3rd.

Which brings me to another issue....the Rookie of the Year award.

Traditionally, it goes to the HIGHEST PLACE ROOKIE FINISHER!

Which *should* have been Ed Jones.  THIRD PLACE!!

But instead, the Powers That Be awarded it to Fernando Alonso of Spain, who finished in 29th place.  REALLY???  WTH???

Oh and am I the only one who thinks Zach Veech looks transgender?

No Words....

I'm a fairly tolerant person.  If I don't agree with a post on social media, I skip over it and go on.  Occasionally, you'll find me ranting over here about it, esp if there are multiple posts about the same subject, and I can't keep quiet.

But the other day, I nearly unfriended someone.  Here's what she had to say:

"Anyone else find this statement by Martin Luther King Jr.'s nephew, given while standing next to Trump, troubling as hell?:
"We refer to it as a day on, not a day off," Farris said. "It's not a day to hang out at the park and pull out the barbeque grill, it's a day to help someone else. That's the proper way to remember my uncle and the proper way to celebrate the holiday."
I am floored that such a prejudicial statement came from the Black nephew of Martin Luther King Jr., of all people.
And who the hell barbeques on MLK Day anyway??? It's January."

Someone commented (and I happen to agree with this!):
 I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. I take it to mean, look folks, this isn't a day off to play, it's a day off for service. A lot of people I know see it as a play day, a rest day. Side note, I have not gotten this off from work for the last ten years of employment.

Her response:
"Hanging out at the park with barbeque grills" almost always refers to a thing Black people do. What's extra problematic is that NO ONE EVER barbeques on this holiday. Therefore, he is literally using this statement to put down Black people and claim they are partying instead of working towards a cause....and he did it while standing next to Trump.

The 1st person then responded:
Ah. That makes sense

???????  I still don't get it.  'BBQ-ing in the park is a 'Black' thing?'  What about when white people go to the park?  Tailgate?  BBQ in their back yards?  As for 'nobody BBQ;s in January has obviously forgotten the 60 degree temps we had this time last year (this person lives an hour south of me).  WE BBQ'd every chance we got!  Mainly because this meant my spouse cooked, and clean up was soooo much easier when he used our grill!  So where does she get off, claiming it's a 'race' thing??

Comment #2:
Is he from the south? I mean Florida sometimes has 60-70 degree temps in January. I think you might be reading too much into it. What I got out of it was more of a pay it forward/be a good neighbor type of a vibe.

If anybody actually throws a barbeque in the park on MLK DAY I encourage them to respond and let me know they don't find this troubling.

Well, I certainly won't be. I live in Ohio and we're a little cold in January to be doing much of anything outside.

Comment #3:
I’m with you

Again, I'm over here like...??????  What's the big frickin' deal????

Then today, this pops up:

"Blacks are tired of Whites constantly telling us that our beliefs about racism are inaccurate."


Then someone posted:
"As far as whites advising blacks about their views about racism being inaccurate, it's like telling women their views about freedom of choice and equality are inaccurate!"

"Yes! Immigrants, disabled, LGBT, and others, too. I only speak of what is most prominent in my own personal experience. Though I am bisexual, I "present" as straight. And my disability (Crohn's Disease) is an invisible one. But I am bombarded by what it is to be Black in America every single day."

"Exactly. It’s not only racism, but also prejudices and stereotypes of both. It’s very sad. I do love that there are more platforms for each out there (whether it be football players, musicians, actresses, rallies, etc.) The first step is to make everyone aware. We cannot fix the problem until everyone knows there is a problem."

OMG.....I'm gagging over here.  Guess I need to unfriend her; I don't know how much more I can take.

I know, I know....'ignore it'...but I want to know, HOW is she 'bombarded' with it every day?  That's the same as saying 'I'm a woman; I'm bombarded with the sexual harassment/inequality issue every day.  Ummmm....no, I'm not.

Authors Are Readers Too, Pt 2

So a little over three years ago, I had a WTH moment while participating in a book launch party on social media.  (To see the post, go here)  I'm good friends with this person, so I'm not going to mention any names.  But apparently, I've done something else to piss her off.

She posted on one of her pages about letting a finished WIP 'simmer' before diving into edits, and having finished one myself, I commented that I was doing the same thing, but could feel that 'tickle' about adding additional info and where to write it in, and the fact that I LOVE that feeling of writing non-stop for six days, as the story poured from my fingertips.

Guess what?  Up pops a PM:  "This page is for readers, not authors to gush about their own work."

So, being the nice person I am, I wrote back, "Oops..."

I deleted the comment, then PM'd back that I'd done so.

Any further comments or PMs?  Nada.

IMHO, it would have been nice if she'd acknowledged my mistake and the fact I corrected it.

But that's just me.

After all, we only see each other once a year....and  I have no idea what she says about me behind MY back!

So, forgive and move on.....

She DID PM me back, with the following:

"Thank you. I"m sorry to be like that, but it's been a whole lotta work putting this group together."

Which brings me to my next point: If you're going to create several pages (I'm counting at least 3, in addition to her regular page), and having trouble engaging people, then don't b**ch when someone comments, unless it's deroggatory or extremely inappropriate! I wasn't complaining; I was celebrating!

But to each his own....