Friday, September 13, 2024

I'm About To Lose A Friend.......

 Ironically enough, over this post:

"Don't damage friendships over politicians who don't even know your name. You can have differing political views and still treat each other with kindness and respect...."

I thought it was a perfectly neutral post, and I HAVE REFAINED from sharing memes that line up with my views, because 50% of my FB friends don't share it, and seem to take GREAT PLEASURE in trying to shove their opinions down my throat.

Here's what's got me irked.  A friend's Significant Other, whom I haven't really spoken to in YEARS, decided to comment:

"If a politician has promised to do harm to people you love and you still support that politician, you support the harm done to people you love. Id say that's a pretty valid reason to distance yourself from someone."

Okay,  First of all, did you not see the ‘treat each other with KINDNESS and RESPECT?’?????

2) You’re the SO of one of my good friends, who has stood by you during your transition from male to female. I really have no relationship with you, other than the fact she loves you.

3) When she called me in tears over something you’d done to her, I stood by her, tried to help her process her new reality, and offered advice.

4) When you decided to become female, I supported your decision, because she supported you, even though I don’t claim to fully understand it. 

5) Ever since the pandemic and 2020 election, we’ve been on opposite sides of the political aisle, and pandemic policies.  Did I shame you?  No.  I firmly believe everyone has a right to his/her own opinions and follow them however they choose.  You and she chose to stay home, wash your hands frequently, bathe in sanitizer, cover your mouths and noses.  Did I comment about how wrong I think you were?  No, because it’s YOUR life, YOUR opinion, YOUR decision.

6) My decision on which candidate to vote for is purely and ECONOMIC one.  I HATE the current economic policies, and think we’ll do better if we get rid of the asshats who want to turn the US into Venezuala or any other Communist/Socialist country.  I don’t care about supporting your sexuality worries; I think they’re being blown out of proportion.  And yes, I firmly believe NO ONE should undergo a sex change until a) they talk to a LICENSED THERAPIST, b) are fully ADULT; and c) do their research and understand the risks.  I also believe transgender athletes need their own category of sports now.  It has RUINED Women’s Sports (swimming and boxing, and any other potential sports where MEN excel over women.  I think I even saw where a transgender MALE won a beauty pageant??  I could be wrong…)

7) Again, you’re the spouse of a friend, and I have had to bite my tongue on MANY occasions where we disagree politically.  But at least she doesn’t come on my page and make disparaging remarks.  I refrain from doing the same on YOUR page AND HERS.  My page is for MY OPINION and if you don’t like it, scroll on by.

You’ve hit a nerve, in case you haven’t realized it.

You hate the US so much?  Move to another country.  I’ll even come help you pack.  But I REFUSE to roll over and kowtow to economic policies that clearly ARE NOT WORKING.  The day I have to choose between paying my property taxes, medicine, or FOOD is the day I sincerely hope I’m already on my deathbed.

I used to be a die-hard Democrat, I really did. But this open border/sexuality/climate change BULLSHIT is not doing our country any good.  Economically, we were better off in 2017 than we are now. THINGS ARE WORSE.  Just do your research.

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