Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Maybe The Timing Could Have Been Better.....

Last week, everyone was up in arms over the BK/CBF debacle, and the nomination.  Next up, our UN Ambassador decides she wants to spend time with her family, and the media has jumped ship.

And also lost their minds!

"It wasn't leaked, so it can't be legit..."

"Ooooh, she's protesting the BK's swearing in!"

"Who in their right mind QUITS government?"

On one hand, this lady went from being governor of her state to UN Ambassador.  Maybe she's genuinely tired of all the crap that's occurred in the last ten years?  She has teenagers who need her.

On the other hand, maybe this is a way to get our fickle media's attention OFF the SCOTUS and on her?  Detraction seems to work....send out a tweet, make an announcement, and media spends hours dissecting every pause, nuance, punctuation, spelling, facial expression, body name it....all to get 'the truth of the matter.'

In other words, there must be some kind of hidden message in everything people send out.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, people....

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