Tuesday, September 18, 2018

So This Just Happened.....

Forget Roy Moore.  This post is about a proposed Supreme Court Justice, BK, who has been under attack this week for something that happened when he was 17.

Woman claims she attended a HS party and he was drunk.  He pinned her to the bed and attempted to rape her.  ATTEMPTED.  At SEVENTEEN.  He's HOW OLD now???????

Forgive me.....where the hell was she with her accusations when he passed the bar?  Became a prominent lawyer?  Became a judge? 

Oh wait.....what was I thinking?  Now it's perfectly fine to paint yourself a victim if your attacker FORTY YEARS AGO is now running for public office......and has different political views.

Earlier, I posted a similar meme on my wall.....it had BK and his accuser in the background.  I noticed about 7pm that I had several notifications, and one blasted me for posting it.  Unfortunately, I cannot copy/paste the conversation, because the entire post has disappeared.  Basically, she said shame on me for offending sexual assault victims everywhere.

I apologized, then said I'd been sexually harassed in junior high and had been assaulted my junior year....but felt ZERO need to call out my attackers 40 years later.  I also said I would PM her later.

She chose to unfriend me.  I DID PM the other friend who disagreed, and she told me not to sweat it; she didn't feel slighted, and that we could still disagree and still be friends.

That's CLASS, folks.

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