Friday, February 28, 2025

So Sick Of This.....


Political Rant Ahead.  Please be advised you might be offended by what I'm posting. 

Today, Feb 28th, is supposed to be the 'Great American Shopping Boycott'.

Here's what a friend posted:

"Over the past couple days, I have concluded that people have lost their ever-loving minds. This is going to be a long one...

First of all, just because I'm planning on shopping tomorrow...I was called a traitor. Really? A traitor? When I popped back off and called the person a libtard I was accused of being 'unkind'. Like calling me a traitor wasn't unkind? What's good for the goose ain't so good for the gander I guess. (I was also called a Nazi)
So, yes. I'm going to shop tomorrow- A LOT- because y'all are being stupid following the orders of a nasty little man who pretends to be a reverend. Your minority of whining babies aren't going to do shit to affect the are a very small minority of folks who are still screaming from the streets, rooftops and every place you can scream from because your cackling old hen didn't win the election. Maybe if she had done something while she was in office or run on something other than 'reproductive rights'...
Speaking of the Fake Reverend Al Not So Sh***** the tax evader and the race baiter...I got called a racist for referring to him as such. I had no idea the motley fools created two new races...Fake Reverends and Tax Evaders...I guess since they think they can create new genders they thought they could create new races too. Who'd have thought it?
I'm tired of the horrid people who think they can get by with going on social media platforms and threatening to off/unalive or trying to get others to off/unalive people like D***** T**** and El*** M***. Just because your party of love and acceptance and inclusiveness and peace got away with burning cities and murdering innocent people in the summer of peaceful protests in 2020 doesn't mean you can now. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is K*** P**** and with D** B******, so the law will be upheld. If I see you do shit like that, I'll be reporting you to the authorities and let them handle you.
What is it you don't like? Is it that T**** has given E*** the assignment of finding out where your hard-earned tax dollars were being wasted? Or that the federal employees are being made to work for their pay which is funded by the American taxpayer instead of sitting on chat rooms and talking about their fetishes or sharing dirty images? Maybe it's that you don't like that they are shutting off the cash cow to terrorist organizations like Hamas and Al Quaida?
Speaking of folks who are chanting in support of Palestine...did you know you are chanting in support of terrorists who killed two innocent little boys with their bare hands? No? Might want to go listen to the funeral speech of Shiri Bibas's husband or watch the home videos of those little boys and tell me if you still support those inhumane terrorists. If are a disgusting excuse for a human being.
And here's a message off to the alleged witch hunters in North dare you call yourselves decent people? Threatening others for their beliefs because they don't match up or align with yours. You know...over the history of the world...more people have been murdered in the name of religion. Religion is something that was created by man to control people and you folks are living proof of that. Read up on history...Paganism predates Christianity and pretty much every other man-made religion in the world. Where did all those people go when they died? To your burning flames of hell? the way...doesn't really exist. But you are sure doing a great job of creating a living hell here on earth aren't you?
I hope for this world y'all sit down and do some thinking for yourself. Maybe pretend you're a little kid doing those connect the dot coloring book pages and realize that you aren't connecting the dots in real life. Turn off the mockingbird media (look it's a real thing) which is being paid to feed you full of propaganda. Go in search of the truth on your own instead of believing what you hear. You are being controlled by people who could give two shits about you and even more so, they are using you to do their damned dirty work. Including teaching young kids about sex at an age when they should be coloring or playing with dolls and trucks.
Keep your sexuality in your own bedroom and away from children.
And if you want to load your body full of big pharma's poison...go for it...there are a lot of us who don't, and we shouldn't be insulted and attacked because we made the choice to protect our bodies from the poison that these companies are getting rich from. Hey...while you aren't shopping tomorrow...why don't you boycott big pharma too?
I just want to enjoy the years I have left without having to watch, hear or be accused of things I'm not. It's too late for most of you, so I'm not even going to try to wake you up anymore. Keep your head in the sand or up your asses or whatever place you choose. You do you...I'll do me...but if you continue to come at me with your insults and name calling...expect to get it back...and I'm much better with words because my vocabulary isn't limited to racist or homophobe or traitor or 'magat'.
Have a nice life."


I can't repost it on my page because 1) I have too many friends on the opposite side of the aisle; 2) Many are DEAR friends, and yes, some are joining the boycott-they have EVERY RIGHT to do so!; and 3) Whenever I post anything remotely political, I get called on the carpet by so-called well-meaning friends on the opposite side who DON'T CARE ABOUT MY RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, and instead, lambast me, block me, or even worse, UNFRIEND me for daring to have a different political OPINION.

Over the last 4 years, I've been mainly silent, biding my time and hoping the tide would turn, and it did. I saw not right-wing people up in arms, threating to boycott, or posting memes of #46 stumbling around (okay, I did see a few!), or making a mockery of our highest office. I didn't see daily posting of 'Where's Camel". I got some cheers every time an EO was passed, or Congress passed a bill. And when AOC opened her mouth and BS came out, yes, I saw a few posts.

But mainly, when I couldn't handle what I was seeing, I either posted Michelle Branch's vid "Are You Happy Now', or David Cook's line, "Be careful what you wish might just get it all....and some things you don't want...."

I don't rant on FB. I rant here, where nobody sees it, ha ha. It fulfills my itchy fingers need to rebutt the craziness and insanity I see in the world, and nobody yells at me here.

Yes, call it cowardly, but I do NOT believe people in the public eye NOT INVOLVED IN POLITICS need to be 'using their platform' in this manner. Yes, I have a voice; yes, I don't have many followers, and even if I did, they have their right to their own opinions. Why should I encourage otherwise?

As a kid, I hated politics. In part because we only got 3 channels and it seemed the President was always interrupting my shows. When I turned 18, I voted the way my parents did, until the 1988 election when my very-politically-involved professor said if we wanted to keep our future jobs/programs, then we needed to vote Democrat. That was fine with me, because I didn't particularly care for Reagan's successor. 4 years later, I liked what I heard coming from Clinton. But in 2000, I couldn't stand Al Gore, and a year later, was VERY HAPPY we had a God-fearing leader. I have no doubt what would have happened otherwise (shudder).

I still don't think I'll ever be a tying vote in any election, but I have been known to switch sides during a primary, to make sure someone I don't like doesn't win. Doesn't always work, but hey, I tried. I never vote a straight ticket in the General Election.

Anyway, getting back to why I'm sick of half the people on my FB feed losing their minds.....

Get over yourselves; stop having panic attacks about what you see on the news and FIND YOUR FAITH!!!

It begs the question: Would you rather be happy or correct?

Anxious or calm?

It's funny; most of the people I see screaming about LGBTQ rights are STRAIGHT. Most of my alphabet friends go about their lives, doing their jobs, eating out, enjoying their lives. I do have at least two that I know of OCCASSIONALLY post about what's going on and why it's wrong for them.

Did it ever occur to the straight ones that the alphabet ones might not need your championship/outrage/heart attacks over perceived attacks?

Let the lobbyists do their jobs. If you want to join 'em, fantastic.

I guess I'm back to staying off social media for another 4-8 years.

If anyone's noticed, I'm only posting the song in my head, memories, or any news.

Probably explains why my algorithm is f***d up, and I'm mostly seeing ads.

UPDATE: For the record, I just bought 3 e-books on Amazon. That's my contribution.

I also decided to conduct an informal experiment on FB, asking the question, "Just out of curiosity, who's boycotting and who are shopping?"

-Only 2 conservatives dared to say they were shopping.
-Liberal friends gleefully posted they were either boycotting or shopping small business and paying cash.
-Other conservatives 'liked' the post.

The takeaway?
-Even though I posted a 'please be respectful of others opinions', some declined to be truthful.
-Only 3 people had never heard of the boycott.
-At work tonight, I was busier than I'd been in a long time.
-Other posts stated friends went to Target and the parking lot was full.

In other words, the only people 'hurt' by the boycott are the ones who refused to shop.
Boycotts Do. Not. Work. Esp in Big Business.
Now Small Business? Cripples them. But of course NO ONE would dare boycott a small business, unless of course you bake cakes and refuse service based on religious views.

I don't care what religion, sex, or political party you claim.....I'll still be happy to talk your ear off about my books:)

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