Monday, October 15, 2018

Food For Thought....

So my son just posted this....

" I dont know anyone that is pro abortion, or have even heard of anyone being like "yay dead babies!!" 
My stance is I dont think the government should be involved in women's health rights. Period. 
I believe it is a life but still pro choice. 

Now this situation is tricky for me because I do think father's should be able to have a voice if they truly want it but in the same breath I dont think women should be forced to carry a baby they either may not want or their body can't handle. 

This guy is a POS tho. You can't just drug ppl because you disagree. 

Women shouldn't be forced to be incubators for others.

There's many reasons women get abortions other than simply not wanting it. Be it health reasons, domestic situations, etc. 
And pro lifers think its an easy decision for women when in most cases it's not at all."

AMEN Sammie:)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Maybe The Timing Could Have Been Better.....

Last week, everyone was up in arms over the BK/CBF debacle, and the nomination.  Next up, our UN Ambassador decides she wants to spend time with her family, and the media has jumped ship.

And also lost their minds!

"It wasn't leaked, so it can't be legit..."

"Ooooh, she's protesting the BK's swearing in!"

"Who in their right mind QUITS government?"

On one hand, this lady went from being governor of her state to UN Ambassador.  Maybe she's genuinely tired of all the crap that's occurred in the last ten years?  She has teenagers who need her.

On the other hand, maybe this is a way to get our fickle media's attention OFF the SCOTUS and on her?  Detraction seems to work....send out a tweet, make an announcement, and media spends hours dissecting every pause, nuance, punctuation, spelling, facial expression, body name it....all to get 'the truth of the matter.'

In other words, there must be some kind of hidden message in everything people send out.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, people....