I wasn't able to watch the President's speech last night, due to being at work, so am watching clips this morning. Borrowing this from a friend who DID watch, and I'm in total agreement:
"Y’all knew I’d have a commentary tonight after Trump’s address…wasn’t that an amazing address by our 47th president?
The lunatic lefties were in rare form…the pink outfits to represent the loss of women’s rights less than 24 hours after these bottom feeders voted against protecting women and girls from males competing in women’s sports was pathetic. All while holding their blue and yellow scarves in support of the disrespectful twit from Ukraine. You know…the former adult entertainer who has grifted us for billions of taxpayer dollars to fight a war that isn’t ours to fight. The one who refused a peace deal…the whole bunch should be ashamed of themselves. It was refreshing to see the race baiter Green hauled out of there like the trash he is though.
I do not know how every American cannot be proud of who we have in the White House right now. Seriously. The man is a treasure. The things he’s done and plans on doing are going to make our country great and powerful again. We will no longer be the laughing stock we were when that joke of a deep state puppet with dementia was shitting his diaper and wandering off like a lost…well…dementia patient.
He’s going to protect our children…bring manufacturing back to the US…reduce taxes…improve the economy…stop the flow of drugs and violent criminals across our borders…yet the dirty Dems refused to acknowledge the good he’s done. Maybe they should have just stayed home tonight instead of holding up their signs…well…I’ve got your sign you worthless pieces of garbage!
These hate filled, money grubbing, corrupt f..cks are so pissed that Elon is uprooting their cash cows as fast as a Bernie Sanders fart dissipates in the wind that they couldn’t even clap for the little boy with cancer whom (the President) honored as a Secret Service member…or for naming a nature preserve for an innocent little girl whose life was brutally ended by illegal immigrants. For him honoring the man who died protecting his family from the crazed shooter in Butler, PA or the police officer who died in the line of duty.
All in all…(the) President's address tonight was a refreshing beacon of hope for our country and I’m grateful we have a leader in the White House instead of a DS puppet. "
I also found this:
This is just WRONG! How can some people hate a person so much that they oppose everything he says and does? Someone even posted earlier this week; the President could announce they'd found a cure for cancer, and the Left would yell, "Fake news! You're putting Big Pharma in jeopardy!"
Or announce something along the lines of our water being cleaner and they'd argue against the treatment plants, saying we're killing the planet.
Give me a BREAK!
I watched several clips, and I don't know who that blue-haired woman with the perpetual scowl on her face with the sign, 'Save Medicaid'.....she obviously never listened to her mom when told her face would freeze....and speaking of a child who's on Medicaid (aka Healthy Indiana Plan), he was able to get his wisdom teeth extracted just fine on that plan. So either he's slipped through the cracks, due to following the rules, or because he's not abusing the system, his medical needs will be taken care of.
As to my views on eliminating the income tax? ("OMG....what about all those tax workers you're putting out of business???"), I don't know if it will bankrupt the economy, or if state taxes will go up to compensate, or if they'll implement the Flat Tax that was floated in the 90's. All we can do is try it for a few years and see what it does. I just hope if they ever reinstate it, they don't make it retroactive. Because there's no way I could ever pay that back.
If they do send me $5K? I would be able to:
-eliminate my medical bills
-pay for ALL of my trip expenses
-Put a nice chunk of it toward next year's NYC trip.
THAT's what I would do with the $$. Not go blow it on 'stupid stuff'.
(Of course, item #2 on that list is what my hubby deems 'stupid stuff', but then again, I guarantee a large chunk of HIS would be spent on groceries, eliminating a credit card, and going out to eat, that last item being his own 'stupid stuff'.)
Okay; rant over. My friends who are on the left, I ask you this:
For four years, I've kept my fingers silent, praying for this day.
If I posted ANY of the type of hate/anger towards the former administration, you'd be taking me to task and unfriending me, instead of agreeing to disagree.
WHY must you try to shove your views down my throat? I let you vent and scroll on by, venting my own anger in private. Why can't you do the same?
Why won't you do the same??????????????