Saturday, August 7, 2021

Did I Hear That Correctly???

Heard this on the radio yesterday: 

"Gender will no longer be assigned at birth..."

Excuse me; I must have missed something.  Last time I checked, when a baby is born, there is an 'obvious' gender difference, not to mention the DNA!  XX=Female; XY=Male.  

You can definitely change from 'obvious' male or female, thanks to hormone replacement therapy and surgery.  But you can NOT change your DNA! 

What the hell does 'non-binary' and 'binary' mean?  We are NOT a mathematical symbol.

'Asexual'=a person who is non-practicing sexual being, either due to low self-esteem or personal preference.

Hetero/homosexual=a person who is in a sexual relationship with either a member of the opposite gender (sex) or same gender (sex).

Hermaphrodite=a person with both sexual organs or tissue.  May present 'obviously' female, but with testicular tissue; or 'obviously' male with ovaries.

Shame on Lilly's and other pharmaceuticals companies.  Shame on the medical profession to taking this position.

Where the hell is this country going? 

I KNOW four transgender people.  I know one self-professed 'asexual'.  I know plenty of LGBTQ men and women.  I know one misguided teenager (imho) who calls herself by an astrological phenomenon.  I know her mom means well, but I can't help but wonder if this 'decision' stems from watching her mom in two struggling relationships and has concluded she doesn't want to go down that path.  Or maybe that now she's begun this path, with Mom in her corner, she can't return to her 'former self'?

I've also heard (via the same radio program) that some transgenders are now regretting their decision to surgical reassignment.  As one caller pointed out, you cannot change your DNA.  You may look different on the outside, but on the inside, you're still male or female.

What would have happened if, when our oldest son's favorite color was pink, we'd dressed him as a girl?  Or when our daughter was 3 and wearing her brother's clothes and insisted we call her 'Joe'?

Instead of ignoring both and letting nature take its course, we decided to have 'Kylie' or 'Kayla' and 'Sam' or 'Joe'?  A) I wouldn't have a 9 y/o grandchild or even a 3 mo/o one.  Or at least, they'd look different.

But no; by the time he was 5, our son was definitely 'all boy', though our daughter only wore her 1st Communion dress 'because Grandma was coming and Aunt Liz paid for it'.

Final Word:  God doesn't make mistakes. (well, okay; why bed bugs?  Why roaches?  Why mosquitos? Lice? Scabies? LMAO!).  He created us in His Likeness; who are we to judge ourselves otherwise?  To reject what He has created is to reject Him.

And I certainly don't want to do that.  I'd be lost without my faith.

Faith is what got me through my 8th grade year and the start of the 9th.  I wouldn't be the person I am today without going through that pain.

What is the world my granddaughters will grow up in?  Will the 9 y/o bow to peer pressure to declare herself other than female?  Will the 3 m/o grow up a tomboy and be encouraged to declare herself  'non-binary'??

Will we ever be able to stop wearing the damn masks?  Guess we'll know in 4 years??